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Church, state & industry foundation

Chaplain CSIF
Our purpose is to serve Military Chaplains – our extended future is in God’s hands. It will be our intent, as God leads, to be ever vigilant in recognizing opportunities to expand our mission and fulfill our vision.
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Our Goal

To provide encouragement and support to those experiencing a Call from God to serve as a Military Chaplain (in any of the Armed Forces of the United States of America in any status – Active Duty, National Guard, or Reserve) – as qualified clergy (Ministers, Priests, Imams, Rabbis, etc.), particularly by providing financial assistance which will help to ameliorate the financial pressures inherent in meeting the requisite educational requirements for commissioning and service.

CSIF Brochure

Vision Statement

To encourage virtuous intention by facilitating pure heart and conscience in the leadership of religious, government, diplomatic, military, and industrial organizations by offering scholarship awards to virtuous seminary students that wish to enter chaplaincy serving those entities.

Mission Statement

Our purpose and intent is three-fold:

– To Encourage seminarians to become Military Chaplain Candidates.

– To financially recognize Candidates who have stayed the course and are just now becoming fully commissioned Chaplains.

– To encourage qualified civilian clergy to become newly accessioned Military Chaplains.

Our Story


Church, State and Industry Foundation comes from the heart of James C. Pippenger, and was founded as a result of his life experiences. The first of these experiences, “A Wing and a Prayer” happened when he was an aircraft commander of a B-24 bomber in World War II.

Pippenger and his crew aboard the Silver Chief – 032 lived through the meaning of these words on December 25, 1944. After a bombing run into Germany, enemy anti-aircraft flak caused the plane to lose 2 engines, forcing an emergency landing in Belgium. Even though the fuselage was riddled with holes, none of the 10 crew member was injured. When “Pip” realized the miraculous nature of what had just happened he said: “Gather under the wing boys, we’re going to have a prayer.”

The second series of experiences happened during his 45-year business life, which took him to Venezuela, where he was in the manufacture, import and export business of machine parts. His business required him to learn 4 languages, while traveling extensively throughout the world to serve the many relationships from varied cultures.

Pip observed, “Everywhere in the world I have been where something good has happened or is happening, God and Godly people have been leading. It is my desire to facilitate and place chaplains in the leadership of churches, governments and industries.”

Mr. Pippenger passed away in 2011.

What Drives Us

Our Mission

To encourage virtuous intention by facilitating pure heart and conscience in the leadership of religious, government, diplomatic, military, and industrial organizations by offering scholarship awards to virtuous seminary students that wish to enter chaplaincy serving those entities.

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2023 scholarships have been disbursed. 2024 applications will be accepted until February 15, 2025.